
Tej Kohli – The Man Who believes Vision to be the Best Gift to Give Someone

“Actions speak louder than words.”

All of us wish to change the world. If not that, then all of sure shot wish to make lives better. However, only few of us do what we think, and that’s when the change comes.

Who would know it better than Tej Kohli himself? On the papers, he’s a billionaire playing with the big players, making fortune, living life king size. On the inside, he’s just a man who wishes to make this world a better place with everything he’s got. He has recently embarked on a journey to cure blindness.

As they say, vision is a gift. Unfortunately, not everyone is blessed with it. But everyone should have it if they can. Surprisingly, out of all the cases of blindness, a good proportion of them are curable. Blindness can be treated, sadly not everyone has the financial means to do it.

This is where Tej Kohli and Dr.SandukRuit’s foundation comes as a knight in shining armour. With the mission of curing treatable blindness, the foundation has set up numerous outreach camps in third world locations, namely Nepal, Bhutan, India, Syria, to name a few. It is only recently that they set their 75th outreach camp in Manang, Nepal. This tiny district that has a population of over 5000 people, has placed 18 outreach camps to cure the blind.

The numbers speak of the success of the outreach camp. After having screened over 800 people, and diagnosing 62 cases of blindness, the camp successfully treated them all to eliminate blindness and make their days better than ever. With this success story, the number of people cured by the foundation has risen to 16,105. As for the number of people screened, the figure rose to 1,42,033.

The numbers are indeed impressive, but not constant. This to say, the journey hasn’t come to a halt for the Tej-Kohli and Dr.SandukRuit’s foundation. The foundation can see the future clearly – more numbers and more smiles. The foundation plans to expand their outreach camps to other new countries across Asia where poverty prevails, and medical infrastructure remains weak. The venture is not going to stop until the foundation reaches their goal of curing over 5,00,000 people of blindness by 2026.

After all, as Tej Kohli says, when you have the means, why not make lives better?

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