
Common Errors to Avoid When Sanding Floors

Even though your hardwood floor is damaged or old, you don’t need to replace it.

YES! Your floor will seem new and clean after a thorough sanding. Surprisingly, it looks much better than it was when it was first installed.

Because of this, floor sanding is essential to doing a house renovation. If done correctly, sanding back and refinishing your timber floors can bring back their previous beauty and make them look brand new. 

On the other side, if done incorrectly, it may produce unsatisfactory outcomes and even significant harm. For example, sanding back wooden floors is one of those tasks that sounds simple enough, but many things may go wrong. 

We’re here to explain some of the most typical mistakes people make when sanding back wooden floors so you can prevent them if you’re considering doing so.

  • Using incorrect sandpaper

Using the incorrect sandpaper while sanding back wooden floors is a typical error people make. Many people use too-fine sandpaper because they are wary about sanding back too much. It indicates that the sandpaper clogs up too quickly and that the task will take an eternity to complete. Instead, get a variety of sandpaper; you should often start with coarse paper to remove the varnish’s top layer.

  • Not enough surface is removed

It typically doesn’t take long to observe that scratches and grime start pulling away from the flooring when you first sand them back. As a result, your worn-out wooden flooring will start to look beautiful quite soon! However, remember that a typical blunder is for folks to believe they have erased all of the preceding finish when they still need to.

  • Putting too much force into damaged areas

When sanding back your flooring, you only have so much wood to work with, so while removing enough of the top, stay moderate. It is particularly typical if your floor has severely damaged or uneven portions. Avoid passing over these areas repeatedly because doing so can wear down the wood.

  • Using a subpar finish

Take your time with the last step if you’ve already spent days sanding your flooring back. The floor finish you choose should be different from where you try to cut costs because it will considerably impact the appearance and durability of your floors. Do your research and shop for the most remarkable finish possible to ensure you use a reliable product.

  • Not requesting professional assistance.

If you’ve been considering doing your floor sanding don’t feel like you can’t call the experts but it doesn’t seem very safe, or even if you’ve started but aren’t getting results. You won’t have to worry about mistakes when a floor sanding Sydney professional does the work because the completed product will be flawless.

  • Lack of time dedicated to sanding

Rushing through the floor sanding process frequently results in unevenly sanded flooring. Sanding is a labour-intensive task that takes time and effort to complete well. You may determine how long you need to sand by thoroughly inspecting the floor before you start. In addition, sanding may require in some regions more than others.

After under-sanding, your floors will have flaws, spots, or remnants of previous stains. Rushing can also lead to excessive sanding, which will end up harming the wood.


If you plan to sand your floor, be cautious to avoid committing any of these beginner errors. If you are still unsure you may always seek out the assistance of a reputable floor sanding Sydney firm.

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